Trait foxbox_taxonomy::adapter::Adapter [] [src]

pub trait Adapter: Send + Sync {
    fn id(&self) -> Id<AdapterId>;
    fn name(&self) -> &str;
    fn vendor(&self) -> &str;
    fn version(&self) -> &[u32; 4];
    fn fetch_values(&self, set: Vec<Id<Getter>>, user: User) -> ResultMap<Id<Getter>, Option<Value>, Error>;
    fn send_values(&self, values: HashMap<Id<Setter>, Value>, user: User) -> ResultMap<Id<Setter>, (), Error>;
    fn register_watch(&self, Vec<(Id<Getter>, Option<Range>)>, cb: Box<ExtSender<WatchEvent>>) -> ResultMap<Id<Getter>, Box<AdapterWatchGuard>, Error>;

API that adapters must implement.


Channels and Services are expected to have a stable id, which persists between reboots and { dis, re }connections.

Note that all methods are blocking. However, the underlying implementatino of adapters is expected to either return quickly or be able to handle several requests concurrently.

Required Methods

fn id(&self) -> Id<AdapterId>

An id unique to this adapter. This id must persist between reboots/reconnections.

fn name(&self) -> &str

The name of the adapter.

fn vendor(&self) -> &str

fn version(&self) -> &[u32; 4]

fn fetch_values(&self, set: Vec<Id<Getter>>, user: User) -> ResultMap<Id<Getter>, Option<Value>, Error>

Request values from a group of channels.

The AdapterManager always attempts to group calls to fetch_values by Adapter, and then expects the adapter to attempt to minimize the connections with the actual devices.

The AdapterManager is in charge of keeping track of the age of values.

fn send_values(&self, values: HashMap<Id<Setter>, Value>, user: User) -> ResultMap<Id<Setter>, (), Error>

Request that values be sent to channels.

The AdapterManager always attempts to group calls to send_values by Adapter, and then expects the adapter to attempt to minimize the connections with the actual devices.

fn register_watch(&self, Vec<(Id<Getter>, Option<Range>)>, cb: Box<ExtSender<WatchEvent>>) -> ResultMap<Id<Getter>, Box<AdapterWatchGuard>, Error>

Watch a bunch of getters as they change.

The AdapterManager always attempts to group calls to fetch_values by Adapter, and then expects the adapter to attempt to minimize the connections with the actual devices. The Adapter should however be ready to handle concurrent register_watch on the same devices, possibly with distinct Option<Range> options.

If a Range option is set, the watcher expects to receive EnterRange/ExitRange events whenever the value available on the device enters/exits the range. If the Range is a Range::Eq(x), the adapter may decide to reject the request or to interpret it as a Range::BetweenEq { min: x, max: x }.

If no Range option is set, the watcher expects to receive EnterRange events whenever a new value is available on the device. The adapter may decide to reject the request if this is clearly not the expected usage for a device, or to throttle it.

Edge cases

Note that the same Id<Getter> may appear several times. This is by design and adapters should handle this case, optimizing it if possible.

Similarly, successive calls to register_watch may end up watching the same getter. The adapter should handle this case, optimizing it if possible.
